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This project aims to celebrate the beauty and diversity of bodies through stickers and posters that will be installed in the streets. The aim is to promote a message of body positivity by displaying authentic images of natural bodies, in all their diversity. We aim to create a visual and emotional impact by making these images visible in the public space, while respecting the anonymity of the people photographed - anonymity is possible on request.

   Corps Positifs" posters: Photos or illustrations of people in elegant, assertive poses, showing a variety of bodies without retouching but with great colors.

   Love and Authenticity" stickers: Small visuals highlighting body details or positive messages about self-acceptance.

   Stickers "Fragments d'Amour" : Images showing only body parts in an artistic way, to encourage curiosity and reflection.

Stickers and posters will be placed in various public places (walls, billboards, community spaces) to reach a wide audience. We'll make sure to respect local bylaws regarding public signage

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Léonie Stolberg - Artiste Photographe et Plasticienne


Discover events, exhibitions and calls for projects from LÉONIE STOLBERG

Léonie Stolberg, photographe et plasticienne bodypositif


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Discover Léonie Stolberg, a revolutionary photographer who redefines art with boldness and perseverance.

Navigating through challenges and censorship, her unique work captures the essence of real beauty and deconstructs imposed standards.


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